
Buzz Off

Whether you’re traveling to a mosquito-ridden area or just planning to lounge around your backyard this summer, having a good insect repellent on hand...
Expired drugs

Expired Drugs: Reading Between the Lines

Part 2 of a 3-part series on product 'expiration' dates You have a headache, so you reach for the bottle of aspirin—but it expired last month. The date on your...
mammography screening

Mammograms, Starting at Age 40

In a major shift, an influential medical panel is now advising that women begin routine mammography screening at age 40—a decade earlier than it previously advised. But some experts...
Lab-Grown Meat

Lab-Grown Meat: The Future Is Here

Meat from animals is a great source of protein—and a regular part of many people's diets. But it can be expensive to produce and unappetizing to those who believe...

Stuttering: The Courage to Conquer

What causes stuttering, how is it treated, and does it indicate any kind of underlying cognitive issue? Stuttering (also known as stammering) is a disruption in the  normal flow and rhythm...

Trust Your Doctor Over a Chatbot

Chatbots can instantly offer answers to your burning questions, but if you’re looking for medical advice, stick with your doctor. That’s my advice after reading a recent study in...

Marijuana and Your Heart

It’s well known that smoking cigarettes takes a toll on the heart, and now a large study in the Journal of the American Heart Association suggests the same may...
Sunscreen SPF

SPF on Sunscreen: Is Higher Always Better?

My drugstore’s shelves are lined with sunscreens of all different SPFs. Is higher SPF always better? Once SPF (sun protection factor) is over 50, the increase in protection is negligible,...
Noise Pollution

When Sound Becomes Noise

According to recent data from the University of Michigan, about one-third of Americans are exposed to sound above the average levels considered safe. But standard metrics of loudness do...

Bah-Bah-Bah, Bah-Bah-Berberine

Berberine—a compound extracted from a variety of plants, including barberry, goldenseal, and tree turmeric—has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, mostly to treat gastrointestinal issues....
lung cancer screening

Lung Scans: Time to Get Scanned?

Many former smokers should consider yearly lung cancer screening—even if they quit decades ago, according to updated guidelines from the American Cancer Society (ACS). Although fewer Americans are dying of...