Move Well

reduce pain after exercise

Can Stepping Up Your Exercise Tamp Down Your Pain?

Exercise has a long list of health benefits, and a study published in PLOS One suggests there might be another, rather intriguing one: a greater tolerance for pain. The study,...
Gua sha

Gua Sha: An Ancient Healing Technique

Gua sha—also known as skin scraping, scraping therapy, or press-stroking—is a traditional ancient healing therapy practiced in China and Southeast Asia that has made its way into integrative medicine...
Chair yoga

Take a Seat

Yoga may call to mind impressively flexible people striking impossible-looking poses. But you don’t need to spend 60 minutes in a studio, execute a handstand, or tote a mat...
tricycles for adults

Time for a Trike?

You probably haven’t considered riding a tricycle since kindergarten. But tricycles for adults—referred to as trikes—are far different from what you might buy your kids, nieces or nephews, or...
weighted vest

Weighing the Research on Weighted Vests

One of the latest sports-training trends has been weighted vests. You may have spotted people wearing them at the gym or while simply going for a walk or jog...

Keeping Kyphosis in Check

When viewed from the side (laterally), the human spine has three natural “C” curves. It curves inward at the neck, outward at the upper back, and then inward again...

Get a Grip

The ability to get a good grip on a handrail, jar lid, grocery bag, tennis racket, or golf club—or wayward grandchild—is primarily an indicator of the strength of your...

Morton’s Neuroma

If you get a sharp, sometimes burning, pain on the ball of your foot between two toes when you walk, you may wonder what the heck is causing that....
Pickle juice for cramps

Pickle Juice for Exercise-Related Muscle Cramps

Pickle juice, which typically contains water, vinegar, salt, pickling herbs or spices, and often sugar, is being touted as a remedy for exercise-related muscle cramps. If you stayed up...

Exercise ‘Snacks’—an Antidote to Prolonged Sitting?

If you spend hours on end sitting, here are your marching orders: Get up and take a five-minute walking break every half hour. Exercise physiologists at Columbia University deemed...