Wellness LetterWellness Advice

Wellness Advice


Trust Your Doctor Over a Chatbot

Chatbots can instantly offer answers to your burning questions, but if you’re looking for medical advice, stick with your doctor. That’s my advice after reading a recent study in...
Sunscreen SPF

SPF on Sunscreen: Is Higher Always Better?

My drugstore’s shelves are lined with sunscreens of all different SPFs. Is higher SPF always better? Once SPF (sun protection factor) is over 50, the increase in protection is negligible,...

Marmite … Anyone?

Over the years, I’ve heard about Marmite but have never tried it. What exactly is it, and is it particularly good for you? This thick, dark, savory spread, made primarily...

Healthwashing: Don’t Be Duped

I can still recall hearing some tall tales about food when I was a child. Carrots would give me eagle-eye vision, and spinach would supply me with Popeye-like biceps....
Fire Blankets

Are You Prepared to Be a Fire Hero?

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of ads for fire blankets, especially on social media. Are they really better than fire extinguishers for home use, as the ads imply? Fire...
pedestrian deaths

Curbing Pedestrian Deaths

If you’re a driver, accustomed to all the safety features of today’s cars, it may be difficult to imagine a time when car occupants hurtled down highways without so...

Ramp It Up!

I see “ramps” on some menus this time of year. What are they and how nutritious are they? Sometimes called wild leeks, ramps (Allium tricoccum) belong to the same genus...
chronic itchy skin

Solutions for Older, Itchy Skin

Why has my skin become chronically itchy since menopause? What can I do about it? Skin typically gets drier with age due to reduced production of sebum and other moisturizing...
American Heart Association

The American Heart Association Turns 100!

You would be hard pressed to find an American adult who hasn’t heard of the American Heart Association. But while we may have heard of it, many of us...
climate change

Climate Change: Bad for the Planet, Bad for Humans

The planet is getting hotter, and 2023 was no exception. In fact, in the 174 years since global temperatures have been documented, 2023 was the hottest year ever recorded....