Stay Well

Buzz Off

Whether you’re traveling to a mosquito-ridden area or just planning to lounge around your backyard this summer, having a good insect repellent on hand...
Bone quality

A New Take on Bone Health

You may think all you need to know about your bone health is your bone mineral density (BMD) score. And if it’s good, all is well. Not necessarily. BMD, as...

PFAS: The ‘Forever Chemicals’ That Are Everywhere 

PFAS (pronounced “Pee-faz”) are increasingly in the news these days. And for good reason: These so-called forever chemicals have been linked to a host of adverse health effects, and...
cough medicine

Got a Cough?

If a sore throat, stuffy nose, sneezing, and headache aren’t enough to make you feel miserable from a cold or other acute upper respiratory infection this winter, you may...
Lp(a) Cholesterol

Why You Should Care About Lp(a)

You probably know about the need to lower “bad” LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, which includes heart attacks and stroke. But there’s another...
Sexually transmitted infections

Sex, Seniors, and STIs

Blame Viagra, or just the fact that Americans are living longer, healthier lives. For several reasons, sexually transmitted diseases (more accurately called sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, because it’s...
smart watched detect afib

Is It Smart to Get AFib Alerts From Your Watch?

If you’re part of the 21 percent of American adults wearing a smart watch or similar device right now, you likely use it for more than just telling time....
air pollution

Having a Bad Air Day?

Each year, air pollution claims some nine million lives worldwide. One out of every six deaths can be attributed to the toxic stew of chemicals and particles released into...

Better Heart Health in 7 … No Wait … 8 Steps

What are the most important things you can do for your heart health? The American Heart Association (AHA) lists eight of them. You’ve probably heard them all before (with...
New Cancer Detection Tests

New Generation Cancer-Detection Tests

In the past couple of years, an increasing number of articles in mainstream news publications have touted an emerging technology with the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment: multi-cancer early...

Listen Up: Getting a Handle on Hearing Loss

Starting after age 50, a significant proportion of people begin to experience progressive, age-related hearing loss. In the past decade or so, a major body of research has found...