Wellness Experts

Are colds contagious?

How Long Are You Contagious When You Have a Cold?

I have a cold and don't want to infect my family and friends. How long am I considered contagious? As a general rule, adults with a cold will be able...
Argan oil

Argan Oil Is Edible—Really?

I use soap made with Moroccan argan oil, but I’m wondering if the oil is also edible. If so, is it a healthful oil? Body care products containing argan oil—from...
High cholesterol

High Cholesterol a Concern No Matter Your Weight

If I’m thin, do I need to worry about my high blood cholesterol? I feel fine, am in good physical shape, and don’t want to take medication for what...
muscle relaxant for back pain

Muscle Relaxants for Back Pain?

I have on- and off-again low back pain. Would a prescription muscle relaxant be a good idea during a flare-up? It might be, depending on the cause of your back...
microwave fire

Help, My Microwave Is on Fire!

I had a fire in my microwave oven when I accidentally heated something in a paper bag that was wrapped in foil inside. Is the microwave safe to use...
angular cheilitis

Angular Cheilitis: Don’t Open Wide

I sometimes get sores at the corners of my mouth that are quite painful but fortunately go away after a few days. What might they be, and should I...
Bowel Movement

How Often Do You Poop?

I’ve heard you should have a bowel movement every day, but I tend to only have about four or five a week—is that too few? There’s no standard for how...
deciphering produce sticker codes

Deciphering Produce Sticker Codes

What do the numerical codes on produce stickers mean? Produce sticker codes are four- or five-digit numbers are PLU (Price Look Up) codes, which identify attributes of fresh fruits and...
duloxetine for chronic pain

An Antidepressant for Back Pain?

I’ve had ongoing back and neck pain for years and nothing has helped it, from physical therapy to acupuncture. But recently I heard that the antidepressant duloxetine might be...
automated breast ultrasound

Getting a Breast Ultrasound? Is Automated Better Than Handheld?

Because I have dense breasts (and a family history of breast cancer), I’ve been getting regular breast ultrasounds in addition to yearly mammograms. But now I see there is...