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store-brand groceries

Store-Brand vs. Name-Brand Groceries

The price of nearly everything we buy has gone up significantly in recent years. But even though inflation has slowed and other items have become more reasonable, the cost...
colorectal cancer

New Blood Test for Colorectal Cancer Could Be a Game Changer

Here’s a frustrating fact about colorectal cancer: Routine screening can detect the disease early, or even prevent it, yet many people who should undergo screening don’t. Only 60 percent...
ultraprocessed foods

Is My Breakfast Cereal ‘Ultraprocessed’?

Are all breakfast cereals considered ultraprocessed foods—even the basic, non-fancy ones I buy like cornflakes, Special K, and Wheat Chex? There are degrees of “processing,” and various definitions of what...
Dementia prevention

Fending Off Dementia

We do not yet have medications that can halt or reverse dementia, but there are plenty of ways to help lower the chances of developing it—including some steps you...
Wellness Letter Oct 2024

October 2024 Issue

  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Speaking of Wellness: Wellness Letter Turns 40
  • Calcium Supplements
  • Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
  • Eye Freckles
  • Nuts & Weight Control
  • Lifestyle Factors & Cancer
  • Moroccan Carrot Salad
Moroccan Carrot Salad

Moroccan Carrot Salad

Warm spices, such as cumin, cinnamon, and coriander, are typical of many Moroccan dishes and marry well with the sweet carrots and currants in this salad. Timing alert: Although...
Fatty Liver Disease

Is Your Liver Getting Fat?

Health experts have been tracking the rise of fatty liver disease (medically called steatotic liver disease) with increasing concern. About 25 to 30 percent of adults are affected, along...
Wellness Letter

The Wellness Letter Turns 40!

Forty years ago, in October 1984, a wild idea that had been gestating for some time came to fruition with the very first issue of the University of California,...
Iris Freckles

Freckles … in Your Eyes?

I noticed some small dark spots that look like freckles in the iris of my eye. Is this something to be concerned about? These sound like harmless iris freckles, medically...
how to prevent cancer

Can You Prevent Cancer?

Close to half of all cancer cases and deaths in the U.S. could potentially be prevented through healthier eating, exercise, and other lifestyle measures, a new study suggests. Cancers are...