Buzz Off

Whether you’re traveling to a mosquito-ridden area or just planning...

Expired Drugs: Reading Between the Lines

Part 2 of a 3-part series on product 'expiration' dates You...

Mammograms, Starting at Age 40

In a major shift, an influential medical panel is now...

Lab-Grown Meat: The Future Is Here

Meat from animals is a great source of protein—and a...


July 2024 Issue

  • Decoding Dates on Food
  • Speaking of Wellness: Healthwashing
  • Berberine Supplements
  • Boxing for Fitness
  • Noise Pollution
  • Marijuana and the Heart
  • Lung Cancer Screening
  • Crab, Grapefruit, & Avocado Salad

End-of-Life Doulas: Thinking Ahead

Many people are familiar with the concept of doulas, with...

Buzz Off

Whether you’re traveling to a mosquito-ridden area or just planning...

Download the latest issue in PDF format to read on your computer, iPad, or phone.

About the Wellness Letter

The Wellness Letter in collaboration with the UC Berkeley School of Public Health delivers educational, evidence-based health and wellness information to help improve the overall health and well-being of our readers.

Meet Our
Editorial Board

John Edward Swartzberg, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Clinical Professor Emeritus, Health and Medical Sciences Chair, Editorial Board