Eat Well

Ramp It Up!

I see “ramps” on some menus this time of year. What are they and how nutritious are they? Sometimes called wild leeks, ramps (Allium tricoccum)...
Tex-Mex Butternut Stew

Tex-Mex Butternut Stew

The texture of the bulgur gives the impression that there’s meat in this hearty stew, and the butternut squash adds a hefty dose of beta carotene. Overall, the dish...
netflix documentary twins diet

Twins: They Are What They Eat

For years, Christopher Gardner, PhD, director of nutrition studies at the Stanford Prevention Research Center and a professor of medicine at Stanford University—and a member of the Wellness Letter...
Fast-Food Calories

Posting Calories on Fast-Food Menus Does Work (a Little)

When you go to a fast-food restaurant, calories may not be top of mind. But if the menu provides that dose of reality, you might make better choices, a...
Beet & Tomato Borscht

Beet & Tomato Borscht

Though all borschts—and there are hundreds of regional versions—include beets or beet juice, this peasant soup from Eastern Europe is fundamentally a blank canvas: sort of a “stone soup.”...
The effects of coffee.

Coffee’s Wide-Ranging Effects

Coffee is the most popular beverage in the United States and many other countries (although tea is more widely consumed globally). But the effects of coffee—and caffeine more specifically—have...
brain boosters

Breaking Down a ‘Brain Booster’

We all—at least those of us of a certain age—forget a word from time to time, misplace our keys, or walk into a room and can’t remember why. When...
ostrich meat

Stick Your Neck Out for Ostrich Meat?

Is ostrich meat a healthier alternative to beef—and better for the environment? Yes and yes. These enormous, flightless African birds are raised on farms around the world for their meat,...
Smashed potatoes

Smashed Potatoes

As our article on resistant starch discusses, potatoes (and other starchy foods) can have some rather unexpected benefits, making them good foods to bring (back) to the dinner table....
resistant starch

Resistant Starch: The Latest ‘Fiber’ to Seek Out

Have you heard the one about pasta and potatoes being good for you? (There’s a catch, but it’s a pretty easy workaround and something people routinely do anyway, as...
Portfolio diet

Building a Better Portfolio of Foods

A plant-based diet known to lower "bad" cholesterol may also bring major long-term benefits: a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes. That's according to a new...